What Is an Annual Business Check-Up?
An Annual Business Check–Up is a thorough check-up on the health of your business, not much different from an annual physical check-up. We check all your business vital signs to see how healthy your business is and if anything areas need attention in order for your business to remain healthy.
What Do You Check In A Business Check-Up?
Look at your financial picture and go through line by line to ensure everything looks good. If something appears to be a little out of sorts – we flag it for further investigation.
Look at the health of your customer list and market to see any potential slowing down of revenues due to age of client or changes in their or your markets situation.
Look at your buying habits to see how cash flow is being used.
Examine your receivables to ensure they look healthy.
Evaluate your marketing materials and sales strategy.
Go through the flow of your business to see if there are potential or existing problems.
Assess your product mix and help to identify opportunities.
Talk with key staff members to see if they are all contributing to their maximum potential.
Ensure your reporting methods are giving you the information you require to manage effectively.
Talk about your goals and dreams and see how your business fits into that plan.
Evaluate your market presence in your area and how you would like to be perceived.
Assess your strengths and opportunities.
Is your company set up to maximize how much you get and retain if you decide to sell?
How often do you meet with your tax and financial team?